Binance has launched refer & win promo that aims at rewarding users who refer with free BUSD gift cards. The promo was launched on the 17th of January with a total budget of $5000 BUSD, which means all the referrers have to contest to get a share of the prize money and how can you contest? Simply by referring friends and family members to Binance Application.
Many of us already know about Binance but if you don’t know about Binance, below is a brief explainer of what Binance is all about and how the referral program works.
How Does The Refer and Win Promo Work?
Binance is one of the biggest crypto exchange platforms in the world. All crypto traders can utilise the platform for just about everything that has to do with crypto and it is also one of the most popular if not the most popular crypto exchange apps in Africa.
Now the refer and win promo that was launched two days ago, gives users who refers a whopping $2 BUSD gift card for each person that registers and completes KYC on the platform. The KYC involves submitting the NIN or BVN, whichever one your referral has would be accepted but there is need to complete the know your customer as that’s a law and also to prevent fraud.
There is more to it! If you refer Upto 11 users to the Binance App, you get rewarded with $3 BUSD gift card per person and if you are able to refer Upto 20 and above, you get rewarded with $4 BUSD per user. This means, you receive as much as $160 BUSD for referring just people to Binance App as long as they complete KYC after signing up.
How to Create Binance Account And Start Earning Money In The Referral Program
1. Create an Account via HERE after signing up, download the Binance Application and login to your account to complete KYC with either your NIN or BVN. Input this code when asked for referral code – 448821868
2. The verification takes few minutes as long as all your details are correct. Now after signing up, you can start referring after being verified.
3. To refer, you must fill a form and to fill the form, you need your UID and your referral ID which can be gotten easily. Just login to the App, click on the profile icon at the top left corner and copy the ID.
Copy the ID and also click on the referral option showing body on your dashboard and select standard Referral to get your unique referral link and ID, copy the ID as well.
Submit the ID and referral ID you copied from your account and submit them in this Google Form by Binance.
After submitting the referral ID, head back to social media and start sharing your referral link and encourage your referrals to not only sign up but to always complete the KYC in order for you to qualify for the bonus.
According to the campaign information, the maximum bonus any referrer can claim is $160 BUSD which will be credited on a first come, first serve basis. Just make sure you play your own part accurately and wait for the bonus to be credited. Once it gets credited, you can redeem it by clicking on the gift card option on Binance App.
Also Read: Binance Learn And Earn: Earn Crypto Rewards As You Learn About Blockchain
If you can refer new users to Binance, then I would suggest you rush this offer while it lasts to earn some money doing what you can easily do.