Are you aware that you can easily generate valid codes for the Guinness Free Airtime Promo that is ongoing and accumulate unlimited airtime? The Guinness airtime promo is available for MTN and Airtel lines and all you have to do is dial the correct code and win free 100 Naira Airtime on your line.
The good thing about the promotion is that, it’s a daily exercise, meaning that you can accumulate free airtime on a daily basis as long as you are able to bring up nine digits valid airtime redemption code. When we found out about this promo yesterday, all we had to do was guess some random nine digits starting from 2 and win but due to the surge in number of people attempting random numbers at the same time, it became literally impossible and very difficult to achieve.
So I decided to do some research on how to generate valid codes and immediately stumbled upon a website that generates random 9-digits, tried using it to test the ongoing Guinness Free Airtime Promo and it worked. Below is a breakdown on how to generate valid codes for free airtime from the Guinness promo.
How to Generate Valid Codes For The Guinness Airtime Promo
It involves smartness, just click HERE to access the 9-digit random generator and then on the site, there is a start button, click on it and it will start generating numbers automatically speedily, stop once it starts generating and try out the available random numbers.
Also Read: Accumulate Unlimited Airtime And Data On Vintage Website
The reason why I mentioned smartness as a necessary requirement is that, you won’t just enter the number as it’s being displayed on the random number generator, recall that you must start the Guinness free airtime code with 2, so you need to replace all the initials of the numbers generated by the random number generator with 2 before attempting the codes.
Don’t worry you don’t have any problem, most of the codes are valid. Even if it doesn’t work on first trial, you can start the random generator again and stop it once new numbers appear and still retry the aforementioned procedure. *1759* replace the first digit number of the code you want to try out with 2 plus the remaining eight digits and retry. Let’s say for example, the random number generator displays 765251906, instead of dialing *1759*765251906# you dial *1759*265251906# simple and it will work.
I have used this procedure to accumulate free 100 Naira Airtime on all my Airtel and MTN sims. Enjoy!