Telegram is deleting accounts massively for minor violations thus causing people to lose their channels, groups and even business conversations. This is a growing trend on the social messaging application that is frightening many users.
In this piece, we are going to be finding out some simple ways of securing your account and keeping it away from the account deletion presently going on. Without wasting much time, let’s get straight to the main reason why you are here;
How to Prevent Your Telegram Account From Being Deleted All Of A Sudden
🔰 First of, there is need for you to understand the basic telegram rules which includes not sharing pornographic contents, engaging in fraudulent activities with the telegram account. If you are caught engaging in fraudulent activities with your account, it may be deleted all of a sudden.
🔰 Secondly, stop messaging random users on telegram. There is this thing called mutual friends, contacts etc. On telegram, if someone is not on your contact list, messaging him or her means risking your account. There are reports that if you message telegram users who are not on your contact list on five separate occasions, your account will be deleted.
It doesn’t matter if the people you messaged reported your account or not, once the telegram bot discovers you are messaging random users simply by searching for their usernames, your account may be deleted or restricted.
🔰 Thirdly, stay away from third party telegram applications and don’t use Telegram X. If your telegram account is so official that you wouldn’t like to lose it, stay away from any Application other than the normal Telegram Application.
Also Read: How to Send And Receive Applications On Google Playstore Directly
Those are the three major tips you should take seriously to safeguard your telegram account from the ongoing massive account deletion. Thanks, share and endeavour to join our telegram channel for more interesting updates.