Reactions bring out the fun in chatting and since Telegram introduced reactions, many WhatsApp users have been expecting an update towards that line, but luckily for us, Mod WhatsApp developers have come up with reaction feature to enable mod WhatsApp users easily react to messages without having to type out their reactions every single time.
Mod WhatsApp users are; GB WhatsApp users, FM WhatsApp, Fouad WhatsApp and many others using WhatsApp that is different from the normal WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business. The update landed yesterday for most Mod WhatsApp users but the problem is that, some people are unable to use it.
So in today’s article, we are going to have a look at how to use reactions on WhatsApp as a mod user and if you are not a mod user, how to stop seeing the error message whenever someone reacts to your message.
How to Activate Reactions On WhatsApp
First of all, you have to download your WhatsApp – as an FM WhatsApp user, you can download from FOUAD or directly from our Telegram Channel if you don’t want to deal with the stress that comes with ads.
After updating your mod WhatsApp, launch it and then long press any message you intend reacting to and all the reactions will pop up for you to use. Below is a screenshot of how it looks
That’s all and you’d be able to use the newly introduced feature. It’s as simple as ABC and the good thing is that, there are other advancements that came with the new update from mod WhatsApp; such as, ability to use emoji as Display picture and ability to hide last seen from some contacts. It’s just amazing.
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But the problem is that, some normal WhatsApp users get an error whenever someone reacts to their messages. If you see an error message that you can’t view the reaction until you update your WhatsApp
Just hop on to Google playstore or apple store and update your WhatsApp. But if you are making use of Business WhatsApp, it won’t work even if you update your WhatsApp. Install normal WhatsApp if you want to see the reactions on your messages for now until a new update shows up for business WhatsApp users.
Enjoy and share to others who may be having issues using the newly introduced WhatsApp feature.